Fatigue, weariness, fears, idleness, worry, even anxiety? And this mind that spins endlessly, without rest, that thinks endlessly to find answers, as if our ability to think could, on its own, resolve all conflicts? Yours, those of your children, those of the world?

The pragmatic mind does not have the answers. No ! The mind does not solve anything, except perhaps mathematical equations and practical obligations (to pick up the children at such time before school closes, to bring the car to the garage for the technical control etc., etc.…that not very funny stuff).
For three years now, the famous “Covid pandemic” has brought its share of worries for many of us and it has also put an end to the comfortable sleep in which all our habits were sinking. For me this triggered the question: “Where is my security? and many other questions as well, but I will only address this one today.
Containment, remember global containment. It also allowed us to benefit from time for cleaning, sorting, tidying up, painting for some, sports, cooking, meditation etc…

Yes, this obligatorily and globally allotted time allowed us to do a few little reviews on ourselves and to take a break from observation. “Where is my inner security when everything seems to be falling apart on the outside? ". So introspection is required. Wouldn't meditation be the way to find silence? To reconnect with myself? And isn't silence the place where I can rest my agitated mind in order to regenerate my psychic batteries? But what if I have never been initiated into the mystery of meditation? Meditation is no mystery, I promise you.
Would a little break do you any harm?
Instinctively, we all have the ability to put ourselves in meditation mode, in alpha wave mode.
Who has not "gone to the moon" as they say, for a short time? I remember, when I was little at the table, my mother said to me: “Stop swallowing the moon! while I was totally absent, it took me a while to get back to my plate. Who has not found himself behind the wheel of his car, without understanding how suddenly he had passed the village, as if the body alone had taken control of the vehicle in automatic mode for a short moment of absence? well involuntary?

I offer you a very simple mini exercise, when you can no longer think, or think, sit comfortably in an armchair (just at least 5 minutes) in front of your fireplace, or if you don't Haven't, in front of a candle, look at the flames as a child would, without trying to understand anything. Look at the flames and let yourself be absorbed. I promise you, if you stop looking for anything, then a little dizziness will find you. Yes it is he who will find you, it is not you who will create this, and then he will recharge your batteries. And if you feel like repeating a mantra then close your eyes and say this one: “All is peaceful now”.