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How to remember your dreams?


“Where the attention (and the intention) goes, the movement of life goes”.

Is it useful to remember your dreams? Yes, it allows us to know ourselves better and to capture the turns of our psyche.

The subconscious has things to reveal to us.

If I often dream that someone is driving my car for me, it can mean that I am not in control of my life, I am not completely autonomous. If I dream that I will soon have a child, it can announce a new project that is about to hatch, or am I really going to have a baby! To dream recurrently that I meet a lover or a lover can tell me that I am feeling an emotional lack. What is repeated in my nocturnal creations can display the content of my needs and my shortcomings.

A long time ago, when I was in therapy, the shrink suggested that I write down all my dreams, but I didn't have the method to remember them. He mentioned a simple way to do it: drink half a glass of water just before I go to sleep, put it on the bedside table, have a small notebook and a pencil easily accessible; then when you wake up, drink the rest of the glass. After a while it works quite well. Just note, as soon as you open your eyes, the key words of the dreamlike journey; it is thus possible by association of ideas, to draw on the thread of memories. The shreds of your dreams then become decipherable.

It is possible to say aloud, when the light is off, "Tonight I will have instructive and wonderful dreams and tomorrow morning I will remember them perfectly!" ". It is also useful to specify a particular intention in order to resolve a conflict, or to find a solution to a concern. Some scientists or mathematicians have thus been able to exclaim in the early morning: “Eureka, but of course! ". The subconscious held the key to the problem, while the waking mind hid the answer.

In this way, for example, one can be reconciled with a person during a dream, and then realize to what extent the dispute with the other was only a chimera maintained by the ego.

If I wake up in the middle of the night, and I still have traces of my dreams, instead of scrambling my memory by turning on the light to write a few words, I can say them out loud and go back to sleep immediately. The next day, I will most likely remember what I said. It's just a matter of habit... And then sleeping becomes an exciting activity.



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