Orgone is life force energy. It is found everywhere, but in variable quantity and quality.
It is an energy that circulates on the etheric plane, very close to the physical plane.
The orgone is in a way the precursor of all that is living on Earth.
The abundant, luxuriant nature, the waterfalls, the seaside etc. are full of positive orgone.
Artificial electromagnetic fields, on the other hand, convey a depleted and toxic orgone.
Our mission at Flamme d'Orgone is to offer solutions to transmute this harmful orgone into biocompatible orgone promoting the development and healing of all living beings.

A little history...

Orgone was discovered by Austrian physician, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich at the beginning of the 20th century. It is a subtle etheric energy which in humans is associated with love and sexuality. Healthy chakras naturally focus orgone. Reich made many accumulators after his exile in the USA and obtained spectacular results before his work was hindered by the FDA.
In the 1980s, the researcher Karl Hans Welz discovered that the resin/metal association transformed the negative disturbances accumulated by the orgone into positive energy. The dynamic interaction of these two substances became the basis for the invention of orgonite, or orgone generator.

Another researcher, Don Croft, then improved the process:
he added rock crystal to the orgonite which by virtue of its properties makes it possible, among other things, to restructure the orgone but also to be a reservoir of information.
Orgone comes in POR (Positive Orgone) and DOR (Deadly Orgone).
ORP circulates in preserved natural environments and healthy organisms.
DOR is particularly present in artificial structures that emit harmful radiation (electrical/electronic equipment, modern constructions, etc.) and on land subject to telluric disturbances.
A solution: orgonite
Orgonite is a device capable of capturing negative energy (DOR) and transmuting it into positive energy (POR). This beneficial energy is very noticeable by sensitive people. For others it may be more subtle but everyone benefits.
There are many benefits that people have experienced with orgone generators:
Reduction of nuisance caused by electromagnetic pollution
Improved sleep
Promotes good mood
Better plant growth
Improved social relations
Rebalances the habitat
Flamme d'Orgone offers you high quality generators all containing rock crystal and powerful combinations of stones, while including sufficient quantities of metals to guarantee optimal efficiency.
They are made in a craft workshop in Finistère, in Plougonven.

How to use orgonite
Orgonite can be used as a pendant for direct benefit to the body. There are many variations with different crystals to suit different needs.
You can consult the guide to choosing your orgonite if you're having trouble deciding which would be right for you. You will find a detailed lexicon of the crystals used as well as their virtues.
It is advisable to regularly purify your orgonite under fresh water and to recharge it by the method of your choice: scallop shell, solar/lunar light...
Your place of life may also need harmonization. A larger orgonite is then necessary. It will be ideally placed near sources of EM pollution (electricity meter, WIFI router etc.) or on geopathogenic points, that is to say negative energy emanations from the basement.
Such orgonites work best in a network. You can place one at each corner of the space to be treated to form a protected perimeter.
Just be sure to clean your orgonite from time to time, in the same way as your pendant.