Choose your orgonite
An orgonite that pleases you and attracts you is usually a sign that it is made for you.
It is important to trust intuition.
However, if you want to offer one to someone close to you for a specific need, this guide is for you.
The color is an indicator of the type of energy produced by the orgonite. It respects the vibration of the crystals incorporated into it. Cold colors calm and warm colors stimulate. If you hesitate between several models, compare the properties of the crystals included in it.
In any case, orgonite always protects against the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves and are effective in raising the vibratory rate. You can't go wrong!
List and properties of crystals used
Here are all the stones we work with. They have been chosen for their recognized and effective virtues, thus conferring very beneficial properties on our orgone generators.
Take the time to compare these minerals and find the model that suits you best.
Very powerful and protective stone, endowed with a high spiritual vibration. Preserve from psychic attack. Very calming, it neutralizes negative environmental energies. Promotes meditation and higher states of consciousness. Allows you to sort through thoughts in order to find solutions calmly. Promotes good sleep. Activate intuition. Very good for the endocrine, immune and nervous systems. Stimulates the throat and crown chakras.
Rock crystal
Rock crystal, or quartz, is present in almost all of Flamme d'Orgone's orgonites. It is an essential component in the same way as metal and resin. It is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It leads energy to its most perfect state possible. Powerful purifier. Harmonizes all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies.
Highly energizing and regenerating stone. Purifies the chakras and recharges them, revitalizes. Inspires love and devotion, balances sexual urges and alleviates emotional disharmony. Stimulates the rise of kundalini and promotes virility. Very good for self-confidence, purifies and re-energizes the blood.
Malachite is a stone that amplifies energies. Protective, she easily absorbs negativity. Eliminates electromagnetic pollution. Purifies and activates the chakras. Activates psychic vision, brings balance and harmony and opens the heart to unconditional love. It is also a stone of transformation, useful for highlighting blockages in a process of personal development. Encourage change. Emotional healing. It vibrates with the female sexual apparatus and treats any sexual disorder.
Traditionally peridot was used to ward off evil spirits. It is a protective stone for the aura. Purifying, detoxifying on all levels. Helps to understand his life mission. Very useful for therapists. It is an ideal stimulating stone to get out of apathy. Improves difficult relationships, balances bipolar disorders and relieves hypochondria.
A very subtle energy. Grants clarity of mind, opens the crown and trans-personal chakras. Helps the light body to ground itself in earth vibrations. Calm stone, instills deep peace. Excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Promotes telepathy. Arranged in a network, creates a protected space.
Very soft, creative stone that opens the mind to innovative ideas. Promotes communication and listening. Confers optimism and enthusiasm. Improves self-esteem. Strengthens the immune system and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Beneficial stone, warm, energizing and highly creative. Protector of the aura, it purifies the chakras, in particular the solar plexus and the navel. Activates the crown chakra and opens intuition. Stone of abundance, it teaches how to attract money and promotes prosperity. Very effective in combating depression and anxiety.
Lapis lazuli
Opens the 3rd eye and stimulates the throat chakra. Promotes psychic gifts, lucid dreaming and spiritual journeys. Brings great serenity. Great psychic protector, sends evil back to its source. Encourages you to take control of your life by instilling better self-knowledge. Releases blockages in the throat. Teaches righteousness and value in relationships.
Delicate stone, endowed with a subtle vibration. Stimulates originality and creativity. Gives mental clarity and spontaneity. Encourages interest in the arts. It is also associated with love, passion, eroticism and desire.
pink quartz
Stone of unconditional love and infinite love. A large selection of our orgonites contains it for this reason. Purifies and opens the heart. Brings deep inner healing and arouses self-love. Calming, reassuring, this crystal is excellent in case of trauma or crisis. Gently absorbs negative energy and wraps in loving energy.
Has a deep grounding effect, allowing us to refocus our energies with the Earth. It works to align our energy bodies and allows our chakras to start working in harmony again. Shungite stone with many characteristics effectively protects against all negative influences. Used as a pendant, it will allow you to always carry it on you. Activates the circulation of bodily fluids and provides a boost of energy. It effectively harmonizes the environment in which it is placed and in addition to neutralizing harmful radiation on our body, it repairs the damage caused by it.
Beneficial stone, warm, energizing and highly creative. Protector of the aura, it purifies the chakras, in particular the solar plexus and the navel. Activates the crown chakra and opens intuition. Stone of abundance, it teaches how to attract money and promotes prosperity. Very effective in combating depression and anxiety.
Opens the heart chakra and calms the emotions. Ensures physical, emotional and mental balance. Eliminates negativity and stimulates psychic gifts such as clairvoyance. Very useful for overcoming difficulties and enjoying life. Healing stone, it is a support for recovery after an illness and helps the liver in the process of detoxification.
Presents virtues similar to labradorite, in particular by protecting against negative energies. Anchor stone associated with the earth and which is recognized for its virtues of meditation and patience. Larvikite is frequently worn as a necklace or bracelet to drive away the evil of loneliness and to help not to exhaust oneself psychically. It will be applied to the solar plexus chakra to fully release the negative energies stored in it. Also useful for skin problems.
Eye of tiger
Combines solar energies with earth energies to generate a high vibrational state. An anchor stone, it attracts spiritual energies to the Earth. Balances the lower chakras. Traditionally used to protect against curses. Gives courage and helps to achieve goals. Help to make decisions. It is a stone to be worn for brief periods.
Represents selfless love and compassion. Provides a dynamic and positive attitude. Excellent stone for the heart and relationships. Attracts a soul mate and the lessons that flow from it. Purifies the root chakra and the solar plexus. Encourages spontaneous expression of feelings, including passionate and erotic desires. Lifts depression and gives lightness to life.
black tourmaline
Protects against cell phones and electromagnetic fog, radiation, psychic attack, charms, curses and negative energies of all kinds. Improves root chakra energy and increases physical vitality. Promotes logical, clear and rational thoughts. Stimulates the positive state of mind, altruism and practical creativity. Protects against disabling diseases, strengthens the immune system, good for dyslexia and arthritis, relieves pain and realigns the spine.