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Tensor technology

A tensor ring, also known as a scalar field tensor, is an energy device based on sacred geometry and the science of scalar waves. These rings are designed to interact with surrounding energy fields, promoting balance and well-being.
The principle is concretely based on the twisting of a copper wire on itself, the ends of which are joined. Such a tool can be in the form of a ring or a coil.

gant blanc et anneau en cuivre torsadé
bobine de cuivre en forme de fer à cheval

Tensor Rings and Orgonites are two different energy devices that have distinct functions. While orgonites are specifically designed to store and transmute orgone energy (also called prana, chi, or life energy), tensor rings, on the other hand, are based on sacred geometry and scalar waves.
Tensor rings do not directly generate orgone, but they interact with surrounding energy fields to create a harmonized scalar energy field. It can have similar effects to orgonites, such as balancing and harmonizing energies, but the two devices work on different principles and are not interchangeable.
It is important to note that orgonites and tensor rings can be complementary and used together to further enhance your energetic environment and well-being. Each of these devices brings its own unique benefits and characteristics, and combining them can create a positive synergy to strengthen and balance the energies around you.

spirale en cuivre et anneau tenseur dans une orgonite

A little history...

The tensor ring has its origins in the work of Russian scientist Nikolai Kozyrev, who studied the effects of scalar waves and their impact on the physical world. Later, American inventor Slim Spurling developed and popularized tension rings by using conductive metals, such as copper, to create energy harmonizing devices.

vieil homme barbu assis avec un chapeau tenant des objets en cuivre dans les mains

Tensor rings work by picking up and redistributing scalar waves, also known as tachyonic energy or zero point energy. These waves are present everywhere in the universe and are considered an inexhaustible source of energy. Through their specific geometric design, Tensor Rings create a scalar energy field that interacts with surrounding energy fields, including those of living beings.
By using a tensor ring, you can harmonize and balance the energies present in your environment, thus promoting relaxation, meditation and general well-being. Tensor rings are also used in energy therapy to strengthen and balance the human energy field, aid healing, and stimulate personal and spiritual growth.

How to use a tensor ring

To take full advantage of the benefits of a tension ring, simply place it near your body, your objects or your living space. You can also use it during meditation by holding it in your hands or placing it on a specific part of your body to focus energy in that area. Here is a video explaining the benefits of wearing a tension ring for meditation:

vignette de vidéo YouTube avec le texte Cet objet élimine le stress

In summary, a tensor ring is a powerful and versatile tool for improving your well-being and harmonizing the energies of your environment. Feel free to experiment with this unique tool and find out how it can help you on your journey to a more balanced and harmonious life.

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